Deal reached to protect whistleblowers a victory for the truth

12 March 2019

Green MEP Molly Scott Cato has hailed the agreement of the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive [1], which was agreed late last night in trilogue negotiations between the European Parliament, EU Commission and Council, as a victory for the truth. This will give legal guarantees and protection to those individuals who want to speak out when they encounter wrong-doing in the work place.

The Directive obliges all EU countries to adopt measures such as clear reporting channels, confidentiality, legal protections and sanctions for those who attempt to persecute whistleblowers.

Molly Scott Cato said:

“While Theresa May was involved in Brexit theatrics in Strasbourg, another late-night meeting actually achieved a result. There was real agreement on legal guarantees, offering protection to whistleblowers who shine a light into the darkness of corruption or criminality in the workplace.

“For too long whistleblowers have faced the fear of revenge, reprisals or legal action if they step forward. Now those who wish to speak out will be given the support they deserve with protection from criminal and civil liability, as well as sanctions for those who attempt to persecute whistleblowers.

“This is a huge victory for Greens who have been the driving force behind the campaign for whistleblower protection for many years. But most importantly it is a big win for the brave people who are willing to speak out in defence of truth, the law and our democratic principles, and holding their employers to account.”


[1] Greens/EFA Briefing on the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive


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