Consultation on CP11 – New Types of Trade Mark

October 10, 2019 European Trade Mark and Design Network

Consultation on CP11 – New Types of Trade Mark

The draft Common Practice of the project CP11 ‘New Types of Trade Mark – Examination of formal requirements and absolute grounds for refusal and invalidity’ has been made available in English for comments.

The CP11 Working Group, composed of representatives from nine intellectual property offices of the EU, four user associations and the EUIPO, made significant progress on developing the Common Practice during the course of three Working Group meetings and a workshop in which the representatives shared best practices and expertise to establish the common principles of the CP11 project.

As a result, the draft of the CP11 Common Practice is now available for review by all stakeholders. The Working Group members have included several sections in the document that are still under discussion, where it would be very appreciated to receive input or feedback.

In particular, the Working Group would like to gather input regarding consumer perception of each of the new types of trade mark in order to develop an individual rationale for each type (sound, motion, multimedia and hologram mark). For this reason, the receipt of information on consumer perception would be highly appreciated (case-law, surveys, scientific articles, etc.) with regard to any of the new types of mark in order to further elaborate these sections of the Common Practice.

The EUIPO welcomes your comments, which should be addressed to by Thursday, 14 November 2019.

The CP11 project is part of the European Cooperation Projects under the heading ECP4 Shared Services and Practices.