Clive Lewis to step down from shadow cabinet

Clive Lewis MP, commenting on
stepping down from the shadow cabinet said:

“When I became the MP for
Norwich South, I promised my constituents I would be ‘Norwich’s voice in
Westminster, not Westminster’s voice in Norwich’. I therefore cannot, in all
good conscience, vote for something I believe will ultimately harm the city I
have the honour to represent, love and call home.

“It is therefore with a heavy
heart that I have decided to resign from the shadow cabinet.

“It has been a privilege to
work with Jeremy Corbyn and be part of the shadow cabinet. I will continue to
support our party and our leader from the back benches to the very best of my

Jeremy Corbyn MP,
commenting on Clive Lewis standing down from the shadow cabinet, said:

“I would like to thank
Clive for his work in the shadow cabinet, which has underlined what an asset he
is to the Labour Party and our movement.

“I understand the
difficulties MPs representing constituencies which voted Remain have in
relation to the European Union Withdrawal Bill. MPs have a duty to represent
their constituents as well as their party.

“However, the Labour Party
respects the outcome of the EU referendum, so we have asked all Labour MPs to
vote for the Bill at its third reading tonight.

“We have been clear from
the start that Labour will not frustrate the triggering of Article 50, which
represents the start of the process for leaving the EU.

“Labour will use every
opportunity to hold the government to account and protect jobs, rights and
living standards at every stage of the negotiations.

“I wish Clive well and look
forward to working with him in the future.”