Chief Executive-elect continues to meet with legislators (with photos)

     The Chief Executive-elect, Mr John Lee, has continued to meet with Legislative Council (LegCo) Members to facilitate exchange and interaction. He met with legislators from the New People's Party today (May 19) to gauge their views on the new-term Government in a wide range of issues including district management, fighting the epidemic, financial development and tourism.

     During the meeting, Mr Lee thanked the participants for their views. He also talked about the proposed reorganisation of the government structure, saying that the proposals would ensure clearer policy ownership across bureaux, generate greater synergies and enhance co-ordination and leadership with an aim of strengthening the Government's governance efficiency and outcomes.

     He added that a representative of the Office of the Chief Executive-elect would attend the meeting of the LegCo's Subcommittee to Study the Proposal for Reorganising the Government Structure and Related Matters tomorrow (May 20) to explain the proposal in detail and address legislators' questions and comments.

     Mr Lee said he hoped that the proposals would be supported by LegCo Members and that the relevant legislative and funding procedures could be completed by mid-June, so that the new government structure could take effect on July 1.

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