CHP reminds public on precautions against cold weather

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) today (February 24) reminded the public, particularly the elderly and people with chronic illnesses, to adopt appropriate measures to protect their health in view of the cold weather.

     A spokesman for the CHP said that cold weather can easily trigger or exacerbate diseases, especially among the elderly and persons suffering from heart disease, respiratory illness or other chronic illnesses.

     "Elderly people have less insulating fat beneath their skin to keep them warm and their body temperature control mechanism may be weaker. Their body may not be able to appropriately respond to the cold weather," the spokesman said.

     Some senior persons may have decreased mobility, which can in turn slow down their ability to generate and conserve body heat. Chronic illnesses, such as hypertension, diabetes and endocrine disorders, may undermine the health of elderly people and lower their metabolic rate, subsequently causing their body to generate less heat.

     The CHP reminded the public, in particular the elderly and persons with chronic illnesses, to adopt the following preventive measures:

  • Take note of the weather forecast. Wear warm clothing, including hats, scarves, gloves and socks accordingly;
  • Consume sufficient food to ensure adequate calorie intake;
  • Perform regular exercise to facilitate blood circulation and heat production;
  • Stay in a warm environment and avoid prolonged outdoor exposure;
  • Use heaters with care, and maintain adequate indoor ventilation; and
  • Seek medical advice if feeling unwell.

     In addition, the public should avoid alcoholic beverages.

     "Drinking alcohol cannot keep you warm. Alcohol accelerates the loss of body heat through dilated blood vessels, resulting in chilling instead," the spokesman said.

     "Parents should ensure that babies are sufficiently warm, but it is also important to keep babies lightly clothed to avoid overheating them," the spokesman added.

     Parents should observe the following safety measures when putting their children to bed:  

  • Keep the room well ventilated and at a comfortable temperature;
  • Always place babies on their back to sleep. Leave their head, face and arms uncovered during sleep;
  • Babies do not need pillows. Place babies on a firm and well-fitted mattress to sleep. Avoid soft objects, pillows and loose bedding;
  • Let babies sleep in a cot placed in the parents' room and near their bed; and
  • Maintain a smoke-free environment.

     In addition, seasonal influenza vaccination is recommended for all persons aged 6 months or above except those with known contraindications. Persons at higher risk of getting influenza and its complications, including the elderly and children, should receive seasonal influenza vaccination early. Please see details of the vaccination schemes on the CHP's website.
     A person who gets influenza and COVID-19 at the same time may be more seriously ill and would have a higher risk of death. Influenza vaccination may reduce the likelihood of hospitalisation and the length of stay. It is important to receive both seasonal influenza vaccination and COVID-19 vaccination as soon as possible, in particular for elderly persons residing in the community or residential care homes. The public should also maintain good personal and environmental hygiene against respiratory illnesses and note the following:

  • Surgical masks can prevent transmission of respiratory viruses from ill persons. It is essential for persons who are symptomatic (even if having mild symptoms) to wear a surgical mask;
  • Wear a surgical mask when taking public transport or staying in crowded places. It is important to wear a mask properly, including performing hand hygiene before wearing and after removing a mask;
  • Avoid touching one's eyes, mouth and nose;
  • Wash hands with liquid soap and water properly whenever possibly contaminated;
  • When hands are not visibly soiled, clean them with 70 to 80 per cent alcohol-based handrub;
  • Cover the mouth and nose with tissue paper when sneezing or coughing. Dispose of soiled tissue paper properly into a lidded rubbish bin, and wash hands thoroughly afterwards;
  • Maintain good indoor ventilation;
  • When having respiratory symptoms, wear a surgical mask, refrain from work or attending classes at school, avoid going to crowded places and seek medical advice promptly; and
  • Maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, take adequate rest, do not smoke and avoid overstress.

     Food-borne diseases, particularly those linked to hot pot cuisine, are also common in cold weather. The following preventive measures should be taken:

  • Wash hands before handling and consuming food;
  • Do not patronise unlicensed vendors or those with poor hygienic standards while selecting food;
  • Wash and cook all food thoroughly;
  • Vegetables should be washed thoroughly in clean running water before cooking and consumption. When appropriate, scrub vegetables with hard surfaces with a clean brush to remove dirt and substances, including pesticide residues and contaminants, from the surface and crevices;
  • Shrimps should be fully cooked until the shells turn red and the flesh turns white and opaque;
  • For shellfish like scallops and geoduck, scrub the shells thoroughly and remove internal organs;
  • Most hot pot ingredients should be stored in a refrigerator at 4 degrees Celsius or below, while frozen food should be stored in a freezer at -18 degrees C or below;
  • Never use raw eggs as a dipping sauce for hot pot; and
  • Use different sets of chopsticks to handle raw and cooked food to avoid cross-contamination.

     In addition, the public should not use charcoal as a cooking fuel in poorly ventilated areas, especially indoors, to avoid harmful exposure to carbon monoxide (CO) and prevent CO poisoning. While using other kinds of fuel, the public should also ensure adequate ventilation.

     For more health information, the public may call the DH's Health Education Infoline (2833 0111) or visit the CHP's website and Facebook Fanpage.

     The public may also call Dial-a-Weather (1878 200) or visit the website of the Hong Kong Observatory for the latest weather information and forecast, or its page on Weather Information for Senior Citizens.

Employers and employees should take precautions during cold weather

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:

     Please broadcast the following special announcement immediately, and repeat it at frequent intervals when the Cold Weather Warning is in force:

     The Labour Department reminds employers that as the Cold Weather Warning is in force, they should take appropriate precautions such as reminding employees who have to work outdoors or in remote areas to wear appropriately warm clothing, and make arrangements for employees to rotate from outdoor to indoor or sheltered work sites as far as possible. Employees should take note of the weather report, wear appropriately warm clothing and be mindful of their health conditions. They should notify their supervisors and seek medical help immediately if feeling unwell, such as having cold limbs and body shivering.

FEHD reminds operators of catering businesses to comply with requirements under Vaccine Pass

     Earlier on, the Secretary for Food and Health issued the "Vaccine Pass direction" (the Direction) which provides that from today (February 24) onwards, the Vaccine Pass will be applicable to all catering premises and scheduled premises including markets specified in the Direction under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F). A spokesman for the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) reminds operators of catering businesses to pay attention to the arrangements under Vaccine Pass, and strictly comply with relevant requirements and directions.

     The FEHD spokesman said, "The current epidemic situation in Hong Kong is of grave concern. The implementation of Vaccine Pass is one of the tightened social distancing measures which can at the same time further strengthen Hong Kong's anti-epidemic capability."

     Under the Vaccine Pass arrangements, except issued with a COVID-19 Vaccination Medical Exemption Certificate or for other specified scenarios with exemption, all persons aged 12 or above entering or remaining on any specified premises (including all catering premises, FEHD markets and hawker bazaars) must have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine, and are required to carry an electronic version or a paper copy of their COVID-19 vaccination record or Exemption Certificate, and present it as required by law enforcement officers during spot checks or other enforcement actions. 

     Catering premises including FEHD cooked food centres/markets are premises subject to "active checking". All persons entering catering premises are required to actively present to the person-in-charge of the premises their vaccination record or Exemption Certificate and the relevant QR code, including that saved in "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application or shown on mobile applications such as "iAM Smart" or "eHealth", or the QR code shown on their paper vaccination record for scanning by the person-in-charge. Any person whose vaccination record (e.g. non-local vaccination record) or Exemption Certificate does not contain a QR code is required to provide his or her personal particulars (name, contact number, date and time of visit) by completing a specified form for retention by the person-in-charge of the premises. Children aged under 12 not accompanied by an adult are also required to provide the relevant personal particulars by completing a specified form for retention by the person-in-charge of the premises.

     Operators of catering business must display the Direction in a specified format in a prominent position at or near every entrance of the specified premises. They are also required to take appropriate measures to inspect the vaccination records or Exemption Certificates of the persons entering or remaining on the premises to ensure that the visitors fulfill the requirements under the Vaccine Pass. Operators must use the QR Code Verification Scanner mobile application developed by the Government to scan the QR code of a vaccination record or Exemption Certificate of persons entering the premises. For any person whose vaccination record (e.g. non-local vaccination record) or Exemption Certificate does not contain a QR code, or any children aged under 12 not accompanied by an adult, operators of catering businesses must use a specified form to collect the personal particulars of the relevant person (name, contact number, date and time of visit) and keep the record for 31 days.

     Operators of catering business must also ensure that all staff members involved in the operation of the premises fulfill the requirements under the Vaccine Pass. Unless having been issued with a COVID-19 Vaccination Medical Exemption Certificate, staff at catering premises must have received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine by today. For catering premises operating under Types B or C Modes of Operation over the previous Specified Period (February 10 to 23), if their staff have yet to receive two doses of vaccine by today but have received one dose, relevant premises operators and their staff would not be deemed to be breaching the requirement that staff members must have received two doses of vaccine if they adopt the following measures:
     (i) ensure that such staff members have already made an appointment for receiving the second dose of vaccine on or before March 30 this year, and ensure that the relevant staff members keep record of the above appointment; and
     (ii) before such staff members receive the second dose, arrange for them to undergo a polymerase chain reaction-based nucleic acid test for COVID-19 once every seven days starting from today, and ensure that such staff obtain SMS notification containing the result of the test before the end of every subsequent 7-day period and keep record of each SMS notification for 31 days.

     The spokesman also reminded operators of catering businesses that premises yet to register having reached the air change requirement pursuant to the directions, must be closed from today until registration is completed.

     In addition, FEHD markets are premises subject to "passive checking". Persons entering the markets are not required to actively produce their vaccination records or Exemption Certificates. The FEHD will display conspicuously at the entrances the Direction in the specified format to let people entering the markets know that the premises fall within the applicable premises under the Vaccine Pass. 

     The spokesman said the FEHD will issue advisory letters to operators of catering premises and related market tenants on the latest arrangements and remind them to strictly comply with the various anti-epidemic regulations and restrictions. The FEHD will set out the specific arrangement of Vaccine Pass with FAQs, samples of notices for the premises and Declaration/Information Collection Form for Persons Entering Specified Premises on its dedicated webpage under its website ( Operators of catering premises and related market tenants may visit the webpage to understand more details.

FEHD reminds operators of catering businesses to comply with requirements under Vaccine Pass

     Earlier on, the Secretary for Food and Health issued the "Vaccine Pass direction" (the Direction) which provides that from today (February 24) onwards, the Vaccine Pass will be applicable to all catering premises and scheduled premises including markets specified in the Direction under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F). A spokesman for the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) reminds operators of catering businesses to pay attention to the arrangements under Vaccine Pass, and strictly comply with relevant requirements and directions.

     The FEHD spokesman said, "The current epidemic situation in Hong Kong is of grave concern. The implementation of Vaccine Pass is one of the tightened social distancing measures which can at the same time further strengthen Hong Kong's anti-epidemic capability."

     Under the Vaccine Pass arrangements, except issued with a COVID-19 Vaccination Medical Exemption Certificate or for other specified scenarios with exemption, all persons aged 12 or above entering or remaining on any specified premises (including all catering premises, FEHD markets and hawker bazaars) must have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine, and are required to carry an electronic version or a paper copy of their COVID-19 vaccination record or Exemption Certificate, and present it as required by law enforcement officers during spot checks or other enforcement actions. 

     Catering premises including FEHD cooked food centres/markets are premises subject to "active checking". All persons entering catering premises are required to actively present to the person-in-charge of the premises their vaccination record or Exemption Certificate and the relevant QR code, including that saved in "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application or shown on mobile applications such as "iAM Smart" or "eHealth", or the QR code shown on their paper vaccination record for scanning by the person-in-charge. Any person whose vaccination record (e.g. non-local vaccination record) or Exemption Certificate does not contain a QR code is required to provide his or her personal particulars (name, contact number, date and time of visit) by completing a specified form for retention by the person-in-charge of the premises. Children aged under 12 not accompanied by an adult are also required to provide the relevant personal particulars by completing a specified form for retention by the person-in-charge of the premises.

     Operators of catering business must display the Direction in a specified format in a prominent position at or near every entrance of the specified premises. They are also required to take appropriate measures to inspect the vaccination records or Exemption Certificates of the persons entering or remaining on the premises to ensure that the visitors fulfill the requirements under the Vaccine Pass. Operators must use the QR Code Verification Scanner mobile application developed by the Government to scan the QR code of a vaccination record or Exemption Certificate of persons entering the premises. For any person whose vaccination record (e.g. non-local vaccination record) or Exemption Certificate does not contain a QR code, or any children aged under 12 not accompanied by an adult, operators of catering businesses must use a specified form to collect the personal particulars of the relevant person (name, contact number, date and time of visit) and keep the record for 31 days.

     Operators of catering business must also ensure that all staff members involved in the operation of the premises fulfill the requirements under the Vaccine Pass. Unless having been issued with a COVID-19 Vaccination Medical Exemption Certificate, staff at catering premises must have received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine by today. For catering premises operating under Types B or C Modes of Operation over the previous Specified Period (February 10 to 23), if their staff have yet to receive two doses of vaccine by today but have received one dose, relevant premises operators and their staff would not be deemed to be breaching the requirement that staff members must have received two doses of vaccine if they adopt the following measures:
     (i) ensure that such staff members have already made an appointment for receiving the second dose of vaccine on or before March 30 this year, and ensure that the relevant staff members keep record of the above appointment; and
     (ii) before such staff members receive the second dose, arrange for them to undergo a polymerase chain reaction-based nucleic acid test for COVID-19 once every seven days starting from today, and ensure that such staff obtain SMS notification containing the result of the test before the end of every subsequent 7-day period and keep record of each SMS notification for 31 days.

     The spokesman also reminded operators of catering businesses that premises yet to register having reached the air change requirement pursuant to the directions, must be closed from today until registration is completed.

     In addition, FEHD markets are premises subject to "passive checking". Persons entering the markets are not required to actively produce their vaccination records or Exemption Certificates. The FEHD will display conspicuously at the entrances the Direction in the specified format to let people entering the markets know that the premises fall within the applicable premises under the Vaccine Pass. 

     The spokesman said the FEHD will issue advisory letters to operators of catering premises and related market tenants on the latest arrangements and remind them to strictly comply with the various anti-epidemic regulations and restrictions. The FEHD will set out the specific arrangement of Vaccine Pass with FAQs, samples of notices for the premises and Declaration/Information Collection Form for Persons Entering Specified Premises on its dedicated webpage under its website ( Operators of catering premises and related market tenants may visit the webpage to understand more details.

Government further tightens social distancing measures

     In view of the very dire epidemic situation in Hong Kong, the Government announced yesterday (February 22) further tightening of social distancing measures and its intention to maintain the relevant measures till April 20. The Government will arrange gazettal today (February 23) to extend the social distancing measures by cycles of 14 days in accordance with the public health emergency regulations under the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance, with the next cycle taking effect from February 24 to March 9.
     The Government announced on February 21 the implementation arrangements for Vaccine Pass, requiring all persons who enter or are present at a series of premises (including catering premises and all scheduled premises regulated under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F)) to have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine with effect from February 24. Given the very dire epidemic situation in Hong Kong with the number of new cases staying high on a daily basis, the Government needs to implement Vaccine Pass and further tighten social distancing measures with a view to reducing the flow of people and containing transmission risk in the community.
     The Government has amended the Prevention and Control of Disease (Wearing of Mask) Regulation (Cap. 599I) to remove engaging in any strenuous physical activity (including exercise) for the person in outdoor places, as well as eating and drinking on public transport carriers and in MTR paid areas, as reasonable excuses for not wearing a mask. The Secretary for Food and Health will also issue a specification under Cap. 599I that specified public place with mask-wearing requirement will be expanded to all areas of country parks. In other words, starting from February 24, all persons shall wear a mask in any public places (including country parks), whether or not they are engaging in physical activities; and taking masks off for eating and drinking will not be allowed on public transport carriers (including ferries/kaitos) and in MTR paid areas.
     As for the scheduled premises regulated under Cap. 599F, the existing social distancing measures will be extended for two weeks. All closed premises will remain closed, whereas the maximum number of persons per table in catering premises will be further reduced to two. Apart from catering premises, Vaccine Pass arrangement will also be fully implemented in other scheduled premises under Cap. 599F that may still operate, including shopping malls, department stores, markets and supermarkets, etc.
     Other existing measures, such as allowing no more than two persons per group gathering in a public place, prohibition of multi-household gatherings at private premises involving more than two households, mask-wearing requirement and cessation of mass events to avoid group gatherings, will continue to be implemented.
     Specific measures (details of those restrictions under Cap. 599F in Annex 1) to be in force during the period from February 24 to March 9 include:
(I) Catering business
(1) From 6pm to 4.59am of the subsequent day, save for specific premises (details in Annex 2), a person responsible for carrying on a catering business must cease selling or supplying food or drink for consumption on the premises of the business, and close any premises or part of the premises (whichever is applicable) on which food or drink is sold or supplied by the business for consumption on the premises. The premises concerned may still sell or supply food and/or drink for takeaway services and deliveries. A person responsible for carrying on a catering business is also required to put up a notice at the entrance to the catering premises to remind customers that food or drink should not be consumed in areas adjacent to the catering premises. All catering premises must implement the Vaccine Pass arrangement, under which all persons entering catering premises must comply with the vaccination requirement save under exempted situations (see details in the relevant press release on implementation arrangements for Vaccine Pass above). The maximum number of persons per table is two, and no banquet will be allowed.
(2) No live performance and dancing activity is allowed in catering premises. Karaoke or mahjong-tin kau activity should also be suspended therein.
(3) Other requirements and restrictions on catering premises will remain in force, including that all customers, when they are away from the table, must not consume food or drink and must wear a mask, and they must scan the "LeaveHomeSafe" venue QR code using the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application on their mobile phones/other mobile devices before entering the premises (excluding persons who only order takeaway).
(4) Bars or pubs will be closed.
(II) Scheduled premises
(5) Except for club-houses and hotels or guesthouses, all scheduled premises regulated under Cap. 599F as listed below must suspend operation:
(a) Amusement game centres;
(b) Bathhouses;
(c) Fitness centres;
(d) Places of amusement;
(e) Places of public entertainment;
(f) Premises (commonly known as party rooms) that are maintained or intended to be maintained for hire for holding social gatherings;
(g) Beauty parlours;
(h) Establishments (commonly known as clubs or nightclubs) that are open late into the night, usually for drinking, and dancing or other entertainment;
(i) Karaoke establishments;
(j) Mahjong-tin kau premises;
(k) Massage establishments;
(l) Sports premises;
(m) Swimming pools;
(n) Cruise ships (i.e. suspension of "cruise-to-nowhere" itineraries);
(o) Event premises (except for wedding ceremonies subject to a headcount limit);
(p) Barber shops or hair salons; and
(q) Religious premises (except for funerals, or wedding ceremonies subject to a headcount limit).
(6) For club-houses and hotels or guesthouses, managers must comply with the relevant restrictions under Cap. 599F, including implementation of the Vaccine Pass, closing the facilities therein that are being used or operated as premises mentioned in points (4) and (5) above, and the catering premises therein must comply with all applicable requirements, including that of suspension of dine-in service during dinnertime.
(7) For shopping malls, department stores, supermarkets and markets, the manager/person-in-charge must comply with the relevant restrictions under Cap. 599F, including fulfilling the relevant requirements on "LeaveHomeSafe" and Vaccine Pass under "passive checking".
(III) Mask-wearing requirement
(8) The mandatory mask-wearing requirement under Cap. 599I will be extended during the period from February 24 to March 9.  A person must wear a mask all the time when the person is boarding or on board a public transport carrier, is entering or present in an MTR paid area, or is entering or present in a specified public place (i.e. all public places including outdoor public places in country parks and special areas as defined in section 2 of the Country Parks Ordinance (Cap. 208)).

(9) Under Cap. 599I, if a person does not wear a mask in accordance with the requirement, an authorised person may deny that person from boarding a public transport carrier or entering the area concerned, as well as require that person to wear a mask and disembark from the carrier or leave the said area. A person in contravention of the relevant provision commits an offence and the maximum penalty is a fine at level 3 ($10,000). In addition, authorised public officers may issue penalty notices to persons who do not wear a mask in accordance with the requirement and such persons may discharge liability for the offence by paying a fixed penalty at $5,000.
(IV) Cessation of mass events to avoid group gatherings
(10) Unless exempted, group gatherings of more than two persons in public places will be prohibited during the period from February 24 to March 9. The requirement is also applicable to group gatherings in catering business and scheduled premises regulated under Cap. 599F in which the relevant requirements or restrictions are not complied with.
(11) From February 24 to March 9, multi-household gatherings at private premises involving more than two households will be prohibited.
(12) Any person who participates in a prohibited group gathering; organises a prohibited group gathering; owns, controls or operates the place of such a gathering; and knowingly allows the taking place of such gathering commits an offence under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Gathering) Regulation (Cap. 599G). Offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $25,000 and imprisonment for six months. Persons who participate in a prohibited group gathering may discharge liability for the offence by paying a fixed penalty at $5,000.
     A Government spokesperson said, "The fifth wave of the epidemic has brought tremendous challenge to Hong Kong. It is now the top priority for all sectors of the community to make efforts to fight the epidemic. We hope that citizens may co-operate with us to contain the epidemic as soon as possible so as to protect public health and allow daily lives to gradually resume normalcy."