Assault occasioning actual bodily harm case in Yuen Long reclassified as murder

     Police today (February 23) reclassified an assault occasioning actual bodily harm case in Yuen Long yesterday (February 22) as murder.

     At around 8.30pm yesterday, Police received a report that a woman was found collapsed in a unit in Long Ping Estate, Yuen Long.

     Police officers sped to the scene and found a 67-year-old woman sustaining head injury. She was rushed to Pok Oi Hospital in unconscious state for treatment. After initial investigation, Police arrested a 66-year-old man for assault occasioning actual bodily harm at the scene.

     The 67-year-old woman was certified dead at 11.34pm yesterday.

     Upon further investigation, Police reclassified the case as murder. The 69-year-old man is being detained for further enquiries.

     Post-mortem examinations will be conducted later to ascertain the cause of death of the deceased.

     Active investigation by the District Crime Squad of Yuen Long is underway. Anyone who witnessed the case or has any information to offer is urged to contact the investigating officers on 3661 4640.