A vote for Labour would be a vote for chaos and division

16 May 2017

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A vote for Labour would be a vote for chaos and division, the Scottish Conservatives have warned, after a damning analysis showed Kezia Dugdale’s party is split down the middle over support for Jeremy Corbyn.

A dossier released today by the Scottish Conservatives – entitled ‘The Division of Labour’ –  has revealed that four in ten Scottish candidates have condemned Mr Corbyn’s leadership on social media or in other public statements.

Scottish Labour candidates have said of Mr Corbyn: “He is utterly unfit to lead,” “he is destroying the party,” “Corbyn is no leader,” and “Corbyn must go.”

Yet their views are contradicted by the hard-left majority in the Scottish party who stand by Mr Corbyn’s plan to tax and spend billions more.

One supportive candidate has said: “Kezia Dugdale needs to develop as an authentic leader and learn from Jeremy.”

Scottish Conservative MSP Adam Tomkins said:

“Labour are the most divided party ever to face the electorate in Scotland.

“A vote for Labour would be a vote for chaos as the party tears itself apart and descends deeper into division.

“Even for people who have been sympathetic to Labour in the past, that is a disastrous prospect.

“We know Jeremy Corbyn is “absolutely fine” with a second independence referendum and would strike a deal with the SNP in an instant if that’s what he had to do to form a government.

“More than half of Scottish Labour’s candidates are ardent Corbynistas who would happily go along with anything he says.

“Only the Scottish Conservatives are strong enough to stand up to the SNP and say No to a second independence referendum.

“We are absolutely united in our staunch opposition to Nicola Sturgeon’s demand for a damaging and divisive vote on breaking away from the UK.”

The Scottish Conservative analysis, The Division of Labour, is here (link).