750k Scots can stop Sturgeon again

8 Dec 2019

Pro-UK Scots can stop Nicola Sturgeon’s independence referendum by joining together and voting Scottish Conservative on Thursday, Jackson Carlaw says today (Sunday).

Mr Carlaw pointed to the impact achieved by the 750,000 Scots who voted Scottish Conservative in 2017. 

Within 3 weeks, the First Minister was forced to put her indyref2 plans on ice. 

Mr Carlaw said that these voters, together with new supporters gained over the campaign, could act on Thursday and put the SNP’s referendum “in cold storage”.

Scottish Conservative leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“Two years ago, three-quarters of a million Scots gave their vote to the Scottish Conservatives to stop the SNP’s divisive second independence referendum.

“By acting together, they won. They toppled nationalist MPs off their perch, and forced Nicola Sturgeon to put her indyref2 plans on ice.

“This week, we need those 750,000 people to come together once more and tell her again.

“As more pro-union voters join them in backing the Scottish Conservatives during this campaign, this time we can put that referendum in the cold storage for good.

“Pro-UK voters need to act as one. Jeremy Corbyn won’t stop her, only the Scottish Conservatives will do so.

“Three-quarters of a million Scots stopped Sturgeon last time round – they can do so again this week.”